here's the bouquet out of the bows from my presents :)
Judy and Janica (and Ligia too) did such a great job putting it together, and it was so perfect! i loved all the tropical themed goodies, fun colors, and (of course) the generous gifts!
Mom was able to make it despite having extreme jet-lag!
Marilyn, Dianne, and Julie were there. I was glad to see Julie, I hadn't seen her in such a long time!
I was glad that the Medina Ladies could make it. (although we should've gotten a picture of all of them together... Gramma Joan, Aunt Janice, Aunt Anet, Aunt Kim, Aunt Debbie, Hope, Hayley & Linda. Actually, that's not all the Medina Ladies! that's just the locals.)
I especially liked the cute card that Hope & Hayley made that said "welcome to the family." :)