Wednesday, March 17, 2010

my target is super.

Despite having experienced unfavorable circumstances with respect to the purchase of my bicycle, I still LOVE Target. Not only have I forgiven them for their poor behavior (and Imight add that I received a $40 gift card for my troubles), but I pledge my allegiance to them more fully now. I do believe that it was in an effort to win me back (and they succeeded) that they decided to implement a new section of FRESH GROCERIES. This is so fantastic. First of all, I hate HATE HATE the grocery store (any and all, people). like, with an irrational passion. There are never enough checkstands open, the workers are rude and useless, the prices are high, and it makes shopping a chore. I almost always snap at my husband (yes, we're still at the "let's go grocery shopping together phase") and when he asks why I'm so upset, i have to remind him that I'm at the grocery store and I want to leave ASAP!

Second of all, i love LOVE LOVE Target. The "One Spot," clothes, purses, shoes, toys, games, decor, crafts, make-up, necessary supplies of all kind... I've always thought that Target has everything you need (except fresh groceries). Previously, you could supplement grocery shopping with a trip to the Market section, which had all kinds of food items. We found out that they had much of the same items as the grocery store, but for much cheaper. BUT, we'd still have to go to the grocery store if we wanted any fresh meat or produce. NO MORE, my friends. Target has officially become my One-Stop-Shop. Mind you, the selection is of fresh meat and produce is not very large. it is fully represented by my picture above (two sides of the row and free-standing kiosks in the middle). However, it easily fits the needs of a two-person household.

Now, considering that I hate the grocery store and love target...??? I'm going to go ahead and call this a match made in heaven.

(I might add that they have not changed the name to a "Super Target." I don't know if they plan on doing so...)


  1. soooo jealous! target is my heaven, i pray nightly that our target here will turn "SUPER" also!!!! LOVE the grocery section! here's to hopin! =) happy shopping!!!!! =)

  2. I hope they do this to ours soon!!!
    When I lived in Provo (gag.) I always shopped at the target because they had a FULL grocery store inside of was heaven I tell you. I've been waiting for this day to come.

  3. OMG I ENVY YOU AND YOUR SUPER TARGET!!! I wish our target here (off Jeronimo and Los Alisos) was Super! We do have a frozen food section and the bread and crackers and what not, but no veggies/fruit and meat yet! Enjoy your *Super* Duper Target!
