Tuesday, June 29, 2010

end O june.

the end-O-june has brought some fun surprises.


Little Allyson joined the family - YAY mike & janica! We love having little nieces and nephews around.


Mr. Bass (gabe's lancer) took a powder. so we got a new Honda Fit. and lucky me, i get to drive the Fit. It's such a fun cute car.


We had our 1 year anniversary! We had dinner at the White House (where we were married). It was a great way to spend our anniversary. I can't believe it's already been a year!

We're so lucky to be together! (i'll leave it at that and keep the mushy-ness to myself.) hehe.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Poppa tomato gets angry, goes over to the baby tomato, and smooshes him... and says, Catch up.

time to play a little catch-up....

May and June have just flown by. In may we enjoyed family birthdays, Mother's day, sunshine and a quick trip to Lake Arrowhead (which was actually kind of rough for me. but that's another story for another time.)

Here are some pictures of May fun:

Emily's 2nd Birthday Party

Linda's birthday

Homemade Pizookie for Linda's Birthday. yummmmmmmm.

View of Big Bear Lake from the Ski Lift

June has been a fun month too! It's been great having EAK back in town. She and I have spent some saturdays together while Gabe had to work. Gabe and I have had picnics and enjoyed afternoons in the park.

I love my new picnic basket!

Cooking w/ EAK - Buffalo Chicken Macaroni & Cheese. it was delicious!